Friday, August 17, 2012

Brandon and Mary's Rehearsal Dinner Invites

Every year around this time, I start getting excited for fall. It's not that I don't want to live it up in August, because I do (fun fact - August is probably my favorite month of the year). It's just that fall is so spectacular that I must take time just to anticipate its coming. 

The great thing about this particular fall is that Luke and I have two very special weddings to attend, both of which will include us traveling to different destinations. You'll hear plenty about this gal's west Michigan wedding in weeks to come, but today I want to show off the first of a few projects that I'm doing for a wedding of one of our close friends, Brandon, and his fiancée, Mary. 

In September, Luke and I will be driving down to Washington, D.C. to celebrate Brandon and Mary's wedding and Luke will be standing up as his best man. Luke is so honored to be such a special part of the day and we are thrilled to celebrate with them next month. 

Brandon and Mary asked me if I could help them out with some of the extras in their wedding. You'll see a few things that we're doing for the actual wedding day in the next month or so, but I wanted to share their rehearsal dinner invitations right this second. 

Mary had the idea to have a picnic themed rehearsal dinner invite. They're holding the dinner on the rooftop of her apartment and she wanted people to know that it was going to be a more casual event - something they didn't have to dress up for. She thought the picnic theme would do the trick. 

Here's what we came up with.

Coming up with a picnic themed invitation was actually a lot harder for me that I thought it would be. I didn't want anything kid-ish, and there are just a lot of ideas that come to mind right away that are a little kid-ish. 

So instead we went for the picture of a place setting on a picnic table cloth look. I thought this said, "cool and casual rehearsal dinner on a rooftop" rather than "pack a lunch and bring your kids down to the park."

Isn't the font delightful? It's Albemarle Swatches and it's free. I absolutely love those swirls. 

I love how the silverware just completes the whole look. And I must point out that in the picture you can see the texture of the beautiful white linen card stock that we used. It's one of my favorite Envelopments card stocks by far.

So that's it. Just about a month left and we'll be down in D.C. celebrating with Brandon and Mary. I'm so thankful to contribute a little bit to their wedding in my role as the best man's wife. That is an actual role, yes? :)

Want to hear more about the value of custom invitations? Check out this post


  1. Jenny you are so talented! I get so excited every time I see that you have a new blog post! Love this invite!

    1. Thanks, Brooke! It is super encouraging that you take the time to read about my invites! :)

  2. Love them! So not kid-ish. Also, I totally squealed a little at the mention of my own wedding. :)
